
How to enjoy Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour Satisfiedly

How to enjoy Mount Bromo Tour Satisfiedly and Safely

Mount Bromo

How to enjoy Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour Satisfiedly for beginner visitors? As the private sunrise tour organizer certainly We have an impressed experience before organize the private tour package to see Sunrise, And We would share Our experience as the private tour guide before. Here We explain about How to enjoy Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour, and other interested places Satisfiedly.

Mount Bromo Derivation

The name of Bromo derived from Javanese folklore that during 15th century, Princess Roro Anteng (daughter of the Majapahit King Brawijaya) and her husband Joko Seger fled marauding Islamic forces, ending up in safety at Mt Bromo. Here they developed a new kingdom, and named it Teng-ger using parts of their respective surnames.

The Kingdom of Tengger prospered and their religion flourished, but the royal couple were unable to produce an heir to the throne. In desperation they prayed and meditated on  Peak for many days before the crater opened and the almighty god Hyang Widi Wasa announced that they would be given children, with the condition that the last borne must be sacrificed back to the mountain.

No less than 25 children were produced, but many years later Roro and Joko broke the condition and refused to sacrifice their last borne, Prince Kesuma. A dreadful eruption of Bromo followed and swallowed Kesuma into the crater. To appease the great God, Kesuma's brothers and sisters held an offering ceremony at the crater once every year, and this still happens today.

The famous Upacara Kasada held on the full moon of the 12th month (Kasada) of the Tenggerese calendar (Kasada Ceremony normally celebrated on between July - August month every year)

Steps to enjoy Mount Bromo Sunrise tour package satisfiedly and safely

  1. Mt Bromo is the most popular tourism in Indonesia, definitely always have heavy visitors in all season. In this case, Make Your booking within 1 - 2 months before Your vacation go on.
  2. Before You choose Mount Bromo tour, Hope You inform Our partner about arrival and departure time, In order We can arrange the itinerary relaxly because arrival and departure time is the most influence for your satisfaction.
  3. Private Jeep 4 WD is the most recommended transportation which is able adapted your Bromo travel package satisfiedly because Mt Bromo Sunrise, Sunset and other views only able catched from Pananjakan (highest peak), Kingkong Peak, Love Peak and Seruni Point Peak, By using private Jeep 4 WD, You will able enjoy all landscapes including the Crater, Sea of Sand.
  4. The temperature on the highest peaks around 03 - 05 degree centigrade at night and morning time, Hope Prepare completed equipments such as Warm Jacket, Gloves, Hat, Raincoat when rainy season, Trekking Shoes and other personal tools. If You have not any equipments have We suggested, You find it by rental in clothes stores or Hotels around Mt Bromo.
  5. For visitors who prefer like choose the sun-rise by Camping, We have provided camping tools. Camping package mostly preferred by visitors or photographers to capture Milky Way on Mt Bromo.
  6. For visitors who intereting to know about Historical section, We will provide local English speaking tour guide special organize Mt Bromo tour package, with complete information about this volcano derivation, environment condition, religious activity, culture, commonities daily job. If You are interestig to use an English speaking tour guide, Hope You make a booking within 1 month or 2 weeks before. 
  7. If You are not photography expert, You can book a photographer to Us in order Your photography helped by Our porter.

Some interesting Places after Mount Bromo Sunrise tour

Beside the Sunrise tour, Acutally still there is other interesting place to see sunrise satisfiedly have not known by some visitors. Some interested place around Mt Bromo is as follows.


Savannah Mount Bromo
Savannah Hill usually named Bukit Teletubies (Indonesian word). This Hill covered by huge green grass and surrounded by high mountain. Savannah is one of interested place in Mount Bromo volcano located eastern side or 1 km from the Crater.

Most visitors normally visit this Savannah after the crater, To reach this Savannah, You must take the jeep 4 WD for 15 minutes, This place very suitable used for Prewedding shot.


Whispering Sand Mount Bromo
Whispering Sand or callled Pasir Berbisik (Indonesia language). This whispering Sand located in northeast of Crater and western side of Savannah.

The Sand has black color and also surrounded by mountain. This sand called "Whispering" due to it will result a calm voice as though someone whisper something.

To reach the Whispering Sand, You must also use the Jeep 4 WD. This place usually visited after the Crater or Savannah Hill.


Madakaripura Waterfall
Madakaripura Waterfall located 1 hour from Cemoro Lawang. Madakaripura Waterfall is one of historical Waterfall in East Java that have high popularity as Patih Gajah Mada meditation place (the most welknown hero since Majapahit Kingdom).

Madakaripura Waterfall normally visited by visitors after explore the Sunrise tour, But You must have departure time at 09.00 PM or You can stay in Hotel around Surabaya.

You can also start enjoy the Waterfall tour in the morning that normally has clearer views But You must start from Surabaya in the morning.

Mount Bromo Sunrise tour package from Surabaya, Malang, Banyuwangi
  • If You are interesting to enjoy Mount Bromo tour package satisfiedly and relaxly, very suggested to choose the flight arrival in Surabaya International Airport in the morning and departure time at evening.
  • If You have more time after in Java Island finish, We can recommend You to see other nature tourism in East Java, For detail information about Mount Bromo Sunrise sunrise tour package price, accommodation and other bromo travel package facilities, You can visit Our Contact.