
Mount Semeru climbing route : Distance and Time Estimation

Mount Semeru climbing route

Mount Semeru climbing route

Mount Semeru climbing route. Who still have know Mt Semeru? Mount Semeru is the highest cone volcano Java Island. Mount Semeru commonly known as Mahameru has 3,676 meters height above sea level.

This elevation also makes this mountain to become the highest volcano in Indonesia after Kerinci in Sumatra and Rinjani in West Nusa Tenggara. Administratively, Semeru included in the two districts, namely Malang and Lumajang subdistrict. This volcano still included in TN-BTS.

Mount Semeru climbing route

Mount Semeru climbing route from Malang and Surabaya

First time, You must choose the arrival location in Surabaya or Malang (Train Station, Bus Station, Airport, Hotel) then from one of this city, You can take the Car toward Ranu Pane through Tumpang, Poncokusumo, Klakah hut, Probolinggo City and Ngadas. Most visitos take the route to Semeru through Tumpang, Jemplang and Mount Bromo.

The trip is 5hr trip, Along the way before reach Ranu Pane, You will see colourful views with mountain and valley views because the path close with Mount Bromo view, Savanna Hill and other mountain.

Mount Semeru climbing route from Lumajang

The route from Lumajang need more time trip because Lumajang itself located more far from Surabaya and Malang, the trip duration need 6hr through Senduro village and Bumiaji then Ranu Pane village, The route from Lumajang better choosed If You start your trip from Banyuwangi or after enjoy Ijen Crater tour.

Hiking Route to Semeru volcano Summit

1. Ranupane - Kumbolo Lake

There are two commonly used lines toward Semeru Summit, the first path through Ayek-Ayek Mountain and the path through Watu Rejeng. The first line although relatively short, but has heavy field so not so popular. Meanwhile, the path through Watu Rejeng seems more friendly and has been developed for the benefit of tourism. Climbing duration from this path take 5hr

2. The Ranu Kumbolo – Kalimati Route

This path will pass the Love Trek, Oro-Oro Ombo, Cemoro Kandang and Jambangan route. Hiking duration need 3hr trek between Ranu Kumbolo to Kalimati. In the area of Kalimati, there is a water source that can be reached 60 minutes round trip.

3. Kalimati – Arcopodo Route

From Kalimati, the climbers will continue their hike for 1 hour to Arcopodo. This area is called Arcopodo because supposedly has found a two similar statues. This place is a flat ground and enough to stand 4 tents. This area is is the last camp before reach Mt Semeru summit

4. Arcopodo - Mahameru Peak

The climbing route from Arcopodo to Mahameru Peak is the harshest track, You must struggle step by step although your hike not too fast like European hikers. The Track condition in this part is sandy that makes difficult foot movement. Therefore, climbers are strongly advised to use special local guide to keep your Climbing and You must use special climbing shoes. Meanwhile, the distance from Arcopodo to Mt Semeru Peak need 6hr, depending on the physical strength.

Below the estimation distance and the route :
The trail climbing distance & time
Ranupane – Landengan Dowo 3 km / 1,5 hours
Landengan Dowo – Watu Rejeng 3 km,/ 1,5 hours
Watu Rejeng – Ranu Kumbolo 4,5 km / 2 hours
Ranu Kumbolo – Oro-Oro Ombo 1 km,/ 30 minutes
Oro-Oro Ombo – Cemoro Kandang 1,5 km / 30 minutes
Cemoro Kandang – Jambangan 3 km / 30 minutes
Jambangan – Kalimati 2 km / 30 minutes
Kalimati – Arcopodo 1,2 km / 2,5 hours
Arcopodo - Cemoro Tunggal - Mahameru Peak 1,5 km / 3-4 hours

Information :
Mount Semeru Climbing Package need a good body health, If your condition still not enough for climbing, you can delay first your planning because you will confront the steep slope along climbing the path to "Semeru Summit"

Detail information about other Mount Bromo tour package price and Climbing package facilities, You can visit Our Contact.

Mount Semeru climbing route