
Jazz Gunung Bromo 2019

Jazz Gunung Bromo 2019

Jazz Gunung Bromo 2019

JAZZ GUNUNG BROMO is an international-standard music performance featuring ethnic jazz compositions, held annually in the mountains. The annual event is one of the pioneers of the development of music festivals, carried out in the open in Indonesia.

National and international musicians perform in sky-roofed amphitheater with mountainous background. A harmonious blend of music, mountainous nature, and humans create beautiful jazz music and mountain merdunya.

Jazz Gunung Bromo is held every year at Javanese Resort Amphitheater, Wonotoro Village, Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency. For this year the event will begin at 2:00 PM on Friday, July 26 2019 and ends on Saturday, July 27 2019. All times are in Western Indonesia Time. So, don't miss it.

For more information, please visit the following address :

Overview of Jazz Gunung Bromo 2019

The charm of Mount Bromo-Tengger-Semeru always keeps admiration for every person who is thirsty enjoy their tour for the cool nature of the mountains. The cold of the mountain, plus the moment during Mount Bromo sunrise tour, is always awaited and missed, making this natural tourist area in the east of Java has many fans.

Traveling nature tour to the mountains is considered to be able to relieve fatigue. Especially when added to the strains of jazz. The Jazz Gunung music festival is present as the answer. Since 2009, Sigit Purnomo, Sjaduk Ferianto, and Butet Kertaredjasa, through this event, took the initiative to harmonize nature and love to become a beauty.

Jazz Gunung Bromo is an international music performance featuring ethnic jazz compositions. At an altitude of 2,000 meters above the Tengger-Semeru mountains, a variety of musicians from local to foreign countries will present a beautiful musical performance on an open stage with bamboo roofs with cool mountainous nature.

This annual music festival every year has managed into the special tour to suck up approximately 300 spectators and will continue to increase. Jazz musicians such as Ermy Kulit, Indra Lesmana and Paul Mc Candlesss with Charged Particles also participated in the event. Uniquely, besides being able to enjoy music and the cool breeze, visitors were also invited to take part in cleaning activities around Mount Bromo.

Not to forget the clean-up activities, initiated by the Mount Bromo Community friendship was also carried out to reduce plastic waste that often pollutes the mountain slopes. This is also a step to preserve the beauty of Mount Bromo and its surroundings.

Such is the tourist information about Jazz Gunung Bromo 2019, hopefully it will become your reference for a trip to Mount Bromo. For tour package prices and booking terms of Mount Bromo tour package please contact us.

Tour Package Option :

Jazz Gunung Bromo 2019