
Enforcement of ticket bracelet on Mount Bromo

Enforcement of Ticket Bracelet on Mount Bromo

Enforcement of ticket bracelet on Mount Bromo

Enforcement of ticket bracelet on Mount Bromo. in Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) plans to enforce entrance ticket in the form of bracelet since April 1, 2018. This is done to prevent corruption of ticket practice. This policy is also done to keep the conservation area from garbage tickets that are often discarded arbitrarily by visitors.

Bromo Tengger National Park spelled "Brama", is an active volcano in East Java, Indonesia. This mountain has a height of 2.399 meters above sea level and is located in four districts, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang.

Bromo mountain is famous as a major tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Bromo becomes attractive because of its status as an active volcano. Mt Bromo is included in the area of ​​Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

This volcano shape is connected between the valley and the canyon with the caldera or sea of ​​sand covering about 10 square kilometers. a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area in the form of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the center of the crater.

Enforcement of the ticket bracelet on Mount Bromo

This plan in line with the Coordination Meeting (Meeting) of Natural Tourism Service Implementers conducted in Bromo Permai Cemorolawang, Ngadisari Village, Probolinggo Regency, East Java, at the end of January.

The meeting agreed on a joint agreement for the development of Mount Bromo based on conservation principles. It also respects local customs and wisdom in the field of sea sand and a common understanding that Bromo is not inherited but a loan from posterity.

In the coordination meeting it was also agreed to limit the number of visitors in tourist attractions in the area TNBTS. The implementation of visitor limitations based on quota based on capacity review was recorded in 2017.

The restriction plan will begin on April 1, 2018. For Teletabies Hill visitors limited to 3,199 people per day, Sand Bromo-Sand is 5,806 people per day. Then for View Point Pananjakan 892 people per day, Bukit Kedaluh (Bukit Kingkong) 434 people per day, and Bukit Cinta 141 people per day.

"If you already apply this bracelet ticket then visitors who enter using different colors of tickets or bracelets in accordance with the location of the visit.In addition, also planned the implementation of online order in stages, where online ordering by 50 percent," said John Kenedie as the page which was downloaded, Monday (2/5/2018).

Restrictions have a goal to protect, maintain and improve the quality of Natural Resources (SDA) in a sustainable manner. It also contains elements of education to change behaviors that will shape attitudes of care, responsibility and commitment to conservation (the principle of sanctity).

In addition, Bromo tourism provides satisfaction to visitors through the standard service of recreational-tourist activities are adequate. The various problems faced will be solved together by building commitment. And obey to realize sustainable benefits for the community of buffer villages around the conservation area of ​​Mt Bromo.

Tour Package Option :
Mount Bromo Midnight Tour Package
Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour Package
Mount Bromo Milky Way Tour Package
Mount Bromo Honeymoon Tour Package

Thus an article about Enforcement of the ticket bracelet on Mount Bromo, hope useful for you. For detail about Mount Bromo tour package, you can contact us.

Enforcement of the ticket bracelet on Mount Bromo